Martinez Garate Ignacio

Curriculum vitae

He completed his training at the Paris Psychoanalytical Institute, initially in a cartel of the École freudienne de Paris (1979–1980), then at the Cause freudienne (1980–1981), and later, after the latter was dissolved and Lacan's death, he worked independently until 1988, when he decided to work with Maud Mannoni at the Centre de formation et de recherches psychanalytique (CFRP) and to follow her to the foundation Espace Analytique. It was in this framework that he hosted clinical seminars in Paris and Madrid and in Argentina and Mexico. From 2000 to 2002, after Joël Dor, he became editor-in-chief of the journal Figures de la Psychanalyse, Logos Anankè, nouvelle série.
In 2003, he founded Espace Analytique d'Aquitaine et du Sud-Ouest, a local "Analytic Space" group, of which he is the Director.

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